Sung Ho Yoon (윤성호)
Professor, Ph.D.
05029 서울특별시 광진구 능동로 120, 건국대학교 시스템생명공학과
Email: Lab HP:
Tel: 82-2-450-3761 (office)
2024.09 – Current Professor, Department of Systems Biotechnology, Konkuk university
2019.03 – 2020.02 Head, Department of Systems Biotechnology, Konkuk university
2018.03 – 2024.08 Associate Professor, Department of Systems Biotechnology, Konkuk university
2016.03 – 2018.02 Assistant Professor, Department of Systems Biotechnology, Konkuk university
2014.03 – 2016.02 Professor, Biosystems & Bioengineering (시스템생명공학), University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, Korea
2013.03 – 2016.02 Principal Research Scientist (책임연구원), Synthetic Biology and Bioengineering Research Center (바이오합성연구센터), KRIBB
2009.03 – 2011.12 Postdoctoral Fellow, Baliga Lab, Institute for Systems Biology (ISB), Seattle, USA
2006.09 – 2010.08 Lecturer, Functional Genomics Major, University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, Korea
2003.07 – 2013.02 Senior Researcher (선임연구원), Systems Microbiology Research Center (시스템미생물연구센터) / Systems & Synthetic Biology Research Center, KRIBB
2002.11 – 2003.06 Post Doc. National Center for Genome Informatics, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB)
1998.03 – 2002.02 Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
1998.3 – 2002.8 Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST (Ph.D.)
(Dissertation: Development of Escherichia coli DNA microarray and global gene expression profiling in Escherichia coli, Supervisor: Sang Yup Lee)
(대장균 DNA microarray 개발 및 이를 이용한 유전체 발현 연구)
1996.3 – 1998.2 Department of Chemical Engineering, KAIST (M.S.)
(Dissertation: Development of fermentation strategies for the production of poly (γ-glutamic acid) and insulin-like growth factor I, Supervisor: Sang Yup Lee)
(Poly(γ-glutamic acid) 와 insulin-like growth factor I 생산을 위한 유가식 배양 전략의 개발)
1992.3 – 1996.2 Department of Chemical Engineering, KAIST (B.S.)
2025 한국미생물생명공학회, 학술위원
2024 한국미생물학회, 재무위원회 위원장
2024-2026 Journal of Microbiology, Editor
2023 한국미생물학회, 공익위원회 위원장
2020 - Current 한국미생물생명공학회, 미생물유전체 학술분과 부위원장
2018 - Current Genes & Genomics, Editorial Board
2020.10.12-16 Local convener & speaker for a Workshop session on “Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology”, International Union of Microbiological Societies Congress (IUMS) 2000, Daejion Convention Complex
2019-2020 한국미생물학회, 학술위 실무위원
2017 - 2019 BMC Systems Biology, Associate Editor
2016 - 2017 한국미생물학회, 학술위 실무위원
2013 한국미생물생명공학회 홍보간사
2013.07.03 Session organizer and chair, “Systems Biology: Reshaping Biology into a Predictive Science” 한국미생물생명공학회 국제심포지엄
2010.09 - 2011.10 Founding member, Secretary, Korean BioMedical Society (KBMS) at Seattle
2008 - 2011 Recent Patents on Biotechnology, Editorial Advisory Board Member,A
2003 - 2006 Korean Society for Bioinformatics (KSBI), Committee Member
ad hoc Reviewer:
ACS Synthetic Biology / Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology / Anaerobe / Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering / Biotechnology and Bioengineering / Biotechnology and Bioengineering Engineering / Biotechnology Journal / BMC Bioinformatics / BMC Genomics / BMC Microbiology / BMC Systems Biology / Communications Biology / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine / Gene / Genomics and Informatics / Journal of Analytical Science and Technology / Journal of Microbiology / Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology / Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal / mBio / Metabolic Engineering / Microbial Cell Factories / Molecular Systems Biology / Nucleic Acids Research / PLoS ONE / Process Biochemistry / Recent Patents on Biotechnology / Scientific Reports
Systems Biology
Systems Biotechnology / Metabolic Engineering / Synthetic Biology
Bioinformatics / Omics Analysis
Pathogenomics / Host-Pathogen Interaction
2022.10.31 한국미생물학회 메디톡스 학술상 (선도과학자)
2014.02.01 Award for excellent staff, KRIBB (우수직원상)
2007.02.01. Award for excellent staff, KRIBB (우수직원상)
2002.04.13. Award for most excellent poster, Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Bioengineering (최우수 포스터상, 한국생물공학회)
2014.10.22 병원성·항생제 내성 유전자 DB 개발: 연합뉴스, 매일경제, 전자신문, 디지털타임스, HelloDD, 경북도민일보
2014.07.15 메탄생성균의 메탄생성과정 비밀 풀다 - 메탄가스 감축에 활용 기대: 전자신문
2013.08.29 한번에 미생물 배양•분석 끝내는 기술 개발: 서울경제, 매일경제, 뉴스1, 뉴시스, 디지털타임스, 아주경제, 연합뉴스, HelloDD, 중앙일보
2012.07.20 대장균 핵심 생체정보 규명; '산업미생물' 대장균, 바이오산업 활용 길 열어: YTN TV, 연합뉴스, 아시아뉴스통신, 뉴스1, 메디컬투데이, 헬스코리아뉴스, 한겨레, 디지털타임스, 서울신문, 대전일보, 매일경제, 파이낸셜뉴스, 이투데이, 뉴시스, 아주경제, 더사이언스, 중앙일보헬스미디어, 현대건강신문, 디지틀보사, 금강일보, 한국경제, e-메디코파마뉴스, 메디칼통신, 중부매일, NEWS&, e수원뉴스, 메디컬헤럴드, YTN사이언스
2009.10.19 유전체 진화경로 규명..생명진화 신기원: MBC TV, YTN TV, 연합뉴스 TV, VJ투데이
2007.02.06 21세기를 여는 과학자: Daejonilbo (newspaper), “Scientist opening 21 century – Dr. Sung Ho Yoon”
2006.11.28 병원성 유전자 검색 DB 개발: YTN TV, MBC TV news today, 디지털타임스, 파이낸셜뉴스, 연합뉴스, 동아일보, 한국일보, HelloDD, 뉴스와이어, 약업신문, 메티컬업저버, 매일신문
2003.01.24 대장균 생리시스템 수준서 규명: 한국일보, 디지탈타임스, KOSEFnews, 대전매일, 대전일보, 한국경제, 한겨레, 연합뉴스, 중앙일보, HelloDD, 아이뉴스24, 충청투데이, 전자신문