Identified secondary metabolite clusters

Cluster Type From To Most similar known cluster MIBiG BGC-ID
The following clusters are from record NZ_ADVE02000003.1:
Cluster 1Nrps-T1pks757481180Pyoverdine_biosynthetic_gene_cluster (9% of genes show similarity)BGC0000413_c1
Cluster 2T1pks97005152055Neocarzilin_biosynthetic_gene_cluster (28% of genes show similarity)BGC0000111_c1

NZ_ADVE02000003 - Cluster 1 - Nrps-t1pks

Predicted core structure

Rough prediction of core scaffold based on assumed PKS/NRPS colinearity; tailoring reactions not taken into account

Prediction details

Monomers prediction:
(pk-lys) + (ohmal) + (nrp) + (nrp-nrp) + (gly) + (asp-thr-nrp)
NRPSPredictor2 SVM: asp
Stachelhaus code: asp
Minowa: asp
consensus: asp

NRPSPredictor2 SVM: thr
Stachelhaus code: thr
Minowa: thr
consensus: thr

NRPSPredictor2 SVM: glu,gln
Stachelhaus code: thr
Minowa: ser
consensus: nrp

Search NORINE for peptide in strict mode // relaxed mode

NRPSPredictor2 SVM: gly
Stachelhaus code: gly
Minowa: gly
consensus: gly

Search NORINE for peptide in strict mode // relaxed mode

NRPSPredictor2 SVM: glu,gln
Stachelhaus code: thr
Minowa: ser
consensus: nrp

NRPSPredictor2 SVM: hydrophilic
Stachelhaus code: ser
Minowa: dab
consensus: nrp

Search NORINE for peptide in strict mode // relaxed mode

NRPSPredictor2 SVM: glu,gln
Stachelhaus code: thr
Minowa: ser
consensus: nrp

Search NORINE for peptide in strict mode // relaxed mode

PKS signature: mal
Minowa: mal
consensus: ohmal

Minowa: NH2

NRPSPredictor2 SVM: asp,asn,glu,gln,aad
Stachelhaus code: lys
Minowa: lys
consensus: lys

Search NORINE for peptide in strict mode // relaxed mode

Database cross-links

Link to NORINE database query form
Direct lookup in NORINE database in strict mode // relaxed mode

Gene cluster description

NZ_ADVE02000003 - Gene Cluster 1. Type = nrps-t1pks. Location: 7574 - 81180 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
nrps: ((Condensation & AMP-binding) or (Condensation & A-OX) or cluster(Condensation,AMP-binding))
t1pks: ((PKS_KS & PKS_AT) or (ene_KS & PKS_AT) or (mod_KS & PKS_AT) or (hyb_KS & PKS_AT) or (itr_KS & PKS_AT) or (tra_KS & PKS_AT))


biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
other genes

Detailed annotation

Homologous gene clusters

Homologous known gene clusters

NZ_ADVE02000003 - Cluster 2 - T1pks

Predicted core structure

Rough prediction of core scaffold based on assumed PKS linker matching; tailoring reactions not taken into account

Prediction details

Monomers prediction:
(redmmal) + (ccmal)
PKS signature: mmal
Minowa: mmal
consensus: redmmal

PKS signature: mal
Minowa: mal
consensus: ccmal

Gene cluster description

NZ_ADVE02000003 - Gene Cluster 2. Type = t1pks. Location: 97005 - 152055 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
t1pks: ((PKS_KS & PKS_AT) or (ene_KS & PKS_AT) or (mod_KS & PKS_AT) or (hyb_KS & PKS_AT) or (itr_KS & PKS_AT) or (tra_KS & PKS_AT))


biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
other genes

Detailed annotation

Homologous gene clusters

Homologous known gene clusters