Identified secondary metabolite clusters

Cluster Type From To Most similar known cluster MIBiG BGC-ID
The following clusters are from record CP001511.1:
Cluster 1Hserlactone641409662029--
Cluster 2Bacteriocin838568849389--

CP001511 - Cluster 1 - Hserlactone

Gene cluster description

CP001511 - Gene Cluster 1. Type = hserlactone. Location: 641409 - 662029 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
hserlactone: (Autoind_synth)


biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
other genes

Homologous gene clusters

CP001511 - Cluster 2 - Bacteriocin

Gene cluster description

CP001511 - Gene Cluster 2. Type = bacteriocin. Location: 838568 - 849389 nt. Click on genes for more information.
Show pHMM detection rules used
bacteriocin: (strepbact or Antimicrobial14 or Bacteriocin_IId or BacteriocIIc_cy or Bacteriocin_II or Bacteriocin_IIi or Lactococcin or Antimicrobial17 or Lactococcin_972 or Bacteriocin_IIc or LcnG-beta or Bacteriocin_Iii or Cloacin or Linocin_M18 or TIGR03603 or TIGR03604 or TIGR03605 or TIGR03651 or TIGR03678 or TIGR03693 or TIGR03798 or TIGR03882 or TIGR03601 or TIGR03602 or TIGR03795 or TIGR03793 or TIGR03975 or DUF692)


biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
other genes

Homologous gene clusters